Friday, August 13, 2010

Living a dream

Yesterday a dream came true. Just like that. Fulfilled. And, I ALMOST missed it. Yesterday was H.O.T. HOT in Iowa. Hot and Humid. And, when Iowa is humid there is only ONE thing to do.


And so we did. My friend, Ruth Ann, and her 4 kids (plus friends) and Easton and myself packed our bags and headed for the lake.

Oh how grand the lake felt. So refreshing. Easton was splashing away and we were loving every minute of it. So much that you forgot it was even humid and hot! The sun was beating down, but that didn't stop us from all the fun!
Halfway through Easton wanted to take a nap. SO while he was TRYING to sleep I got out my camera.

Easton...wanting to sleep! But there was just SO many other things to look at---it's hard to take a nap when things are happening! I bought that hat for a dollar before he was born...knowing we'd spend time outside enjoying the sun. So glad I did!
What a little cutie!

Ruth Ann's little boy playing in the water. He was singing OVER AND OVER, "HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD, SING WITH ME. HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD, SING WITH ME. HOW GREAT IT OUR GOD, SING WITH ME. HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD, SING WITH ME." It was the sweetest little thing...singing his heart out to Jesus and sharing the love to everyone else.
Easton getting fed before naptime. And it was RIGHT about here, that I realized I was living my dream. My whole life, EVERYTIME I went to the pool/lake/river/swimming I played and held OTHER children. My friends' children. But not mine. I didn't mind, I love kids and babies, but I couldn't WAIT to be with my own babies and make memories with them! And, yesterday, I realized that I was with MY BABY, holding him, teaching him how fun water can be. He was mine. Looking at me--his mommy--cooing and laughing and enjoying life. I was with friends, they had their babies---and I had mine. All talking about motherhood, children, church, and teaching. And the whole time, I had my baby--in my arms sitting on a floaty mat with Easton splashing away...A dream had come true. It honestly was a magical moment. And something I don't want to forget.

And to end the swimming day, Ruth Ann's girls--with friends--were SO cute sitting in a line talking and enjoying the water. Friendship:so beautiful.

I wanted to capture the moment...because so many times life happens and we forget.

So here's to NOT forgetting.
This summer has never been better!

1 comment:

Truly His said...

Ahhhh!! Someday I will be saying that too, Rachel Michelle. You are such a wonderful Mother and lovely sister and LETS NOT forget about my sweet E! I love you till the end and I love seeing your dreams come true. :)