Being 35 weeks pregnant, I've come to realize, my patience is RUNNING short. On EVERYTHING. Not that I have GREAT patience to begin with...it's waning the closer I get to having this baby.
AND SO, in honor of my lack of patience, I've decided to reflect on this pregnancy and REJOICE over what it has been...and enjoy this moment. This very LARGE moment.
If my memory is right, (it's touch and go...) I found out I was pregnant in July of 2009. I didn't think I was pregnant and just took ONE test just to get that thought out of my mind. ONLY, I saw TWO lines. I FLEW into the livingroom and asked my husband, "DO you see TWO LINES?" He looks and responded, "YES! What does that mean?" I told him it meant we were pregnant, and just to be sure, took another test in the morning.
My pregnancy has been a good one. I can't complain. Hardly sick, was tired, but a nap in the afternoon always helped me to finish the rest of the day. My nose was my biggest problem...and could smell ANYTHING anywhere. I never threw up because I felt sick...I only threw up because I'd gag so hard. (Yep, totally getting personal here!)
The past 35 weeks I've been very healthy. Only once was I sick (over Christmas) it didn't last long.
Feeling this baby move inside me has been a JOY! 1st time I felt him move was around 14 weeks. Little flutters. Very tiny. AND currently, he is just MOVING and MOVING so much, my stomach feels like it has fireworks inside! The BEST part is when he gets his knees up and tries to push out on my stomach. I could watch it all day!
I've learned the BEST way for me to relax when my back hurts or I feel achy is a HOT bath. My next house WILL have a bigger bathtub...but for now, I'm happy for this tub I have, because it has been such a blessing. I soak in there for an hour...take a good book and use up all the hot water and COME out feeling like I could run two miles. That's saying TONS since I've never ran ONE mile...
Another thing I've enjoyed in this pregnancy is my growing belly. I've always wanted to know what I'd look like being pregnant and now I know. People have said rude things...and yes, some have hurt and I've shead tears, but overall I don't really care what they say. God gave me this child and if I have to look HUGE for the last 5 months...that' fine. I'll do it. But, for the most part, people have been kind and I have enjoyed watching this belly grow. Sometimes it makes me laugh to see myself with this belly...but I wouldn't change it for the world...cause it's how God made me.
Another thing I've LOVED about this pregnancy is how excited my husband is about EVERY step! He's gone with me to dr's appointments, he's been there for almost everything. I couldn't WAIT for him to be able to feel the baby kick and it was so great when he finally did! I feel we now even have a great bond than before. My joy will be when he FINALLY gets to hold his 1st born son for the 1st time. It might be my favorite memory in the history of our relationship.
So, I have MUCH to be thankful for. So many great things have happened in the past 9 months.
SO thankful for this experience--I wouldn't change it for the world!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!! What a great thing to look back on and read. I love it, Rachie. I can't wait for BABY E! :)
Sweet post! I have always wanted to know what I would look like pregnant too, but it isn't time yet! :)
What a GREAT post! I esp. love the part about him trying to push his little legs out...as if to say 'I want out" :)
I can't wait to meet your sweet baby! =)
I loved reading this post and hearing your honesty! My heart aches for you because I know that feeling of impatience, oh so well! And I'm not going to say what I'm sure a million people have said... ("soon enough"!) because I know that DOESN"T help!!!! But I am praying for you in these last weeks :) So fun to hear your synopsis of pregnancy and your story of finding out! Can't wait to read your labor story!
You are due on March 27? That's my daughter's 13th birthday!
What an exciting time, I remember the anticipation so well. Your little one will be in your arms before you know it. :)
What a wonderful time this is for you and your husband! The next four weeks will be over before you know it and you will finally all be together. Keep pampering yourself and make these last few weeks all about you, because it never will be again! ;)
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