Monday, August 23, 2010


I love crafts. AND, I love to give homemade gifts to people. But, I never post them on here because I'm always afraid people will see the flaws of homemade. So, this morning, I'm branching out, and showing the world just how much I love to craft. Flaws and all.....

Today is the 1st day of school around here. As a former teacher myself, I LOVED the 1st day. Excited...with a little bit of don't want to leave summer. So I thought the teachers needed a TEACHER SURVIVAL KIT: Everything they need to make it through the school year....well, almost.

1st up...magic wands:
(OH, not only do I like to make things, I don't like to spend a fortune on them...and there are not alot of craft stores around here without driving 30 we look at our house.)
I find kabob sticks...GREAT for wands. Now to cover them up so they don't look sooooo boring.

I found my mom's hot glue gun a few weeks ago...let me tell you, HOW did I live without it? Glue the tip...

Apply the ribbon...and twist all the way to the end. SIMPLE.
Glue the end. PRETTY WAND!
Now for flare!

Use some other ribbon and tie it to make some flare. Perfect.

I gave them 3 things...water that said: May you always have energy. And, I also gave them sticky notes that said: May you always stick to your job....and...

The wands said.....May your Fairy God Mother always be with you. (by far my favorite!)

I packaged them up with a pretty bow....

AND, have gifts for my 5 teacher friends.
They were a big hit!

1 comment:

Ria @ Life as a Wife! said...

You are sooooo thoughtful! Fun! :) Great ideas!!