God has blessed me with MANY friends. Some friends have been with me since the womb or close after that. Some friends I met in grade school, and others in college. And, some, I've met as an adult. Each are SUPER special and I love being with them.
With that, I'd like to introduce you (through blogger) to my good friend Ruth Ann. A little background about her...she is the mother of 4 kids, wife to Elvin, and is a stay at home mom. She was raised Horse and Buggy Mennonite and grew up around Lancaster, PA. When she was about 17 she moved to Iowa to be a teacher. While teaching her students to read and write, she met her husband to be Elvin Zimmerman. They married a few years later and bought a house outside the big city of Floyd.
The 1st time I met Ruth Ann was at a VBS at our church. She sent her daughter and let me tell you ALL the teachers were FREAKING out that we had this little Mennonite girl there. We behaved the MOMENT Ruth Ann walked in. Slowly, over time, we got to know Ruth Ann through different events.
A few months later, Ruth Ann and Elvin joined our church and we have become BEST of FRIENDS. She was my Matron of Honor in my wedding and her girls were my flower girls. Our friendship RUNS deep. I love her family like my own.
She started a business making baby clothes.
Oh RuthAnn is soo talented!
missing your bloggy updates...everything good in your world? merry christmas!
So glad we met on Saturday, can't wait to read along :)
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